Pharmacy Services


PreKure Me - Reboot your health in 21 days!

We've had a great response to the PreKure challenge that starts on Monday 2nd September.

The biggest question we've had is "Is it all about weight loss?"  The short answer is NO! 

The aim of the PreKure Challenge is to focus and discipline ourselves for a short period of time to give our wellbeing a boost. The 4 different ways of eating are all aimed at reducing our intake of processed food and sugar - that is to go back to eating food that is more natural, lower in carbohydrate and with a higher nutrient value. It also encourages us to stop snacking, exercise daily and learn some core values around healthy and mindful eating.

Why? Its all about insulin resistance and chronic disease. High carbohydrate raises our insulin levels. Prolonged high insulin levels are directly implicated (by good science) to damage in almost every organ and system in the body - increasing our risk of many illnesses including diabetes,
cardiovascular disease, dementia, chronic inflammation, cancers and more.

How do I start? Sign up for the challenge and download one of the 4 guidelines on what foods to eat/avoid - Mediterranean, Vegetarian/Flexitarian, Low Carb Healthy Fat or Keto. This is a great way to trial a change of lifestyle.

If you find that the challenge improved your wellbeing - you have more energy, maybe lost a little weight, can think more clearly then we can help you to adopt a new lifestyle for long term health.

We have loads of resources - one of my favourites is the "Ditch the Carbs" website run by a very clever NZ Pharmacist Libby Jenkinson. Check out their "Free 5 day low carb meal plan" and "how to start low carb kids" so the whole family can get on board. This website offers Meal Plans, Carb Counters, video tutorials and so much more. With over 1 million visitors per month its one of the top low carb sites.

Personally I have followed a low carb healthy fat lifestlye for 18 months and function better, feel more energized, maintain a better weight (nice little side effect) and have less aches and pains. Over the next few weeks we'll talk over any of the questions you raise. Don't be shy - send us your questions or your own experiences - we'd love to hear from you.


  • Liz Dixon

Erectile Dysfunction

An effective treatment for erectile dysfunction is now available without a prescription.

Our pharmacists have undertaken additional training and are now able to dispense an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) without a prescription.  This treatment is only available to males with ED, between 35 and 70 years of age,  who don’t smoke and who are in good health. The consultation also involves a blood pressure check. 

One of our pharmacists will work through a series of questions with you in our consulting room to ensure the treatment is suitable for you. This process takes approximately 10 minutes.  If you feel more comfortable talking to a male pharmacist, please feel free to ask to speak to one.  We have a male pharmacist available for consultation on most days.

If appropriate, you will then be able to purchase an effective ED treatment without a doctor’s prescription.  The ED treatment now available at Gilmours Pharmacy– without a prescription – is Silvasta® (sildenafil).  This medicine is also available in New Zealand as Viagra®,  and Avigra.

Once you have undertaken this full assessment, you will be able to continue to purchase Silvasta® (sildenafil) from Gilmours Pharmacy for a further 12 months – if you have no change in health.  After 12 months another full assessment will be required.

Urinary Tract Infections

For Urinary Tract Infections, often referred to as cystitis or bladder infection, contact Gilmours Pharmacy for advice and treatment options. Urinary Tract Infections can cause women considerable discomfort and our accredited pharmacists are now able to offer effective treatment where appropriate. You have a confidential discussion with the pharmacist in our private consult room where they will work through a thorough checklist to ensure certain criteria are met before supplying the medicine. The treatment, a three day course of trimethoprim 300mg tablets, is available to women between the ages of 16 and 65 who are not pregnant and who have not taken a course of antibiotics within the previous six months. 

No appointment necessary. 


Emergency Contraception

Emergency Contraceptive Pill (ECP)

Contraceptive failure or having unprotected sex can be a stressful situation. The risk of pregnancy can be reduced by taking the emergency contraceptive pill (ECP), and is most effective the sooner it is taken. An accredited ECP pharmacist is always available at Gilmours Pharmacy to offer a confidential consultation to see if the ECP is right for you. No appointment necessary. 

Southern Cross Easy Claim

What is Southern Cross Health Society Easy-claim?

Easy-claim is a process which aims to simplify claiming for Southern Cross Health Society members.


Currently, members need to fill in a Southern Cross claim form to be reimbursed for services they have received (according to benefits they have in their policy and eligibility criteria). These forms are then processed and paid - it can be a be time consuming and lengthy process.


In conjunction with Toniq Limited, Southern Cross delivers a solution which provides an electronic and easy process for Southern Cross members to claim for their prescription items (hence the name 'Easy-claim').


With Easy-claim, when Southern Cross members use certain services (eg. obtaining medication from Gilmours Pharmacy), by presenting their Member Card, Gilmours Pharmacy will be able to send a claim electronically to Southern Cross, on the members behalf, and have it paid while they wait (depending on their eligibility to claim for the service involved).


This means the claim they would normally receive from Southern Cross is paid directly to Gilmours Pharmacy, and the Southern Cross member is only required to pay the remaining balance (if there is any amount remaining).


Southern Cross Healthy Society is the first insurer in New Zealand to launch electronic pharmacy claiming to it's members.


What are the key benefits?

  • Southern Cross members can claim for prescriptions at the time of purchase
  • No claim forms, member is not 'out of pocket' for eligible claims
  • The claim can be processed immediately in most circumstances and the health provider will be paid directly by Southern Cross if the claim was approved (cashless process)


What does this mean for Southern Cross members?

  • Simple and efficient claiming at the time of purchase
  • Hassle free electronic claiming - no manual claims to submit
  • Southern Cross members can take advantage of a benefit that they may have forgotten to claim for in the past
  • Increases the visibility of their policy (and benefits) and the value it adds to their daily lives


Bring your card in today and we'll enter your details to make claiming easy. 







    • Michael Marneros

    Compliance Medicine Packing

    Organising Your Medicines

    For patients who have trouble managing their medicines or remembering when to take them, we offer Medico Pak or Sachet Roll compliance packing. We can organise your medicines into calendar packs so that you take the right dose of the right medicine at the right time. Talk to any of our staff about managing your medicines.

    We offer a complete Medicine Utilisation Review service to help you organise and understand your medicines. Make an appointment for us to visit you at home or to bring in all of your medicines and one of our pharmacists will help you with your medicine problems and concerns. This is a government-funded service with no patient costs. If you feel you would benefit from this service please contact us to see if you are eligible.

    Sachet Roll System

    The Medicine Sachet System is an excellent way to easily manage your medicines.

     Making sure patients get the right medication at the right time.

     Each sachet clearly displays your vital information, is perforated for convenience and comes in a handy dispensing box.

     Your medicines are conveniently packed in to the sachets at the appropriate dose times and each individual dose is labelled with your name, dose time and the medicines taken at that time.



     They are great for:

    • Making it easier to remember to take your medicines
    • Customers on multiple medicines, or a complicated regimen
    • Travelling
    • Safety, all of the medicines are in one place and can be easily stored


    Benefits of Medicine Sachet System

     Can be done weekly or monthly to suit your needs.

    • Convenient, easy to use and easy to open packaging.
    • Tailor dose times to suit your busy lifestyle and optimize your medicine regimen. Not limited to four dose times per day – it is a very flexible system (allows up to 9 dose times per day).
    • Convenient to organise medications for travelling.
    • Co-ordination of changes to the medication roll.
    • Written medicine information available on request.


    Medico provides an alternative form of packing allowing the client to see exactly what doses are due. 

    Each Medico Pak is packed by your pharmacist according to your individual prescription so you can trust that your medication dosage is accurately and correctly dispensed.

    With Medico Pak...

    • Your medication for each day is packed in one easy-tear strip if you need to take it with you.
    • Details printed on the back of each pottle allow you to check when your medication is due.
    • Quickly see if you have taken your medication by the number of empty pottles used.
    • Instructions are clear and easy to read, avoiding confusion.
    • Errors are minimised with each dose correctly packed and labelled.
    • No bulky bottles or packets to carry around.
    • Pak Popper and Magnifiers are available if needed - ask your pharmacy.


    Make an appointment with our team to discuss medications, how our systems work and how we can help you manage your medciations.