Ph: 06 877 8222
Fax: 06 877 6381
email: gilmourspharmacy@gmail.com
Prescriptions: rx.gilmours@gmail.com
Liz Dixon - Charge Pharmacist
Pharmacy Hours:
Monday - Friday:
8.30am - 6pm
Saturday: 9am - 3pm
Sunday: CLOSED
Gilmours Pharmacy
5/10 Porter Drive,
Havelock North
New Zealand, 4130
Comments 1
Margaret Jamieson
What a delight it is to enter your store and be greeted by a friendly atmosphere and excellent staff. A comment on the Amazing Magnesium Oil spray which was recommended by Liz: I have been off pain killers for the past fortnight whilst using this spray oil. I think your sales will increase as I have become quite evangelistic about this product. I hope your info sheets have been replenished as last time I called in to get one for a friend, it was the last in the holder. Do stock up. I haven’t stopped raving about it! Cheers, Margaret J