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Phiten Testimonials 2

Phiten Gilmours Havelock North Pharmacy Reviews

Here's some great feedback on our Phiten products. 

"I had a hip operation in 2006 and as a result of this surgery the nerves and tendons in my upper leg and thigh were damaged and since then I have experienced continual pain and loss of mobility. After the original hip replacement two further operations were carried out to try and improve my quality of life but neither were successful.

Earlier this year while I was at Gilmours Pharmacy in Havelock North to collect medicine to control the pain in my leg, Liz the pharmacist, said that I looked like I was suffering and suggested that she had a product that could help me. The product was Phiten X30 AquaTitan Patches. While I was there she applied the patches to the painful areas of my leg. The relief was almost immediate and since the initial application I have been pain free and now almost have full mobility. I would certainly recommend this product."  Maurice McGrath


"Having taken painkillers twice daily for the last 18 months while waiting for a knee replacement, I was thrilled with the instant pain relief I got after applying Phiten Patches. Since 3rd April this year I have taken no painkillers, I am walking better and no longer intend having the knee replaced. I can live with it as it is. Many thanks for your help and advice." Sue Truman


"These dots are truly AMAZING. I have arthritis in my right ankle, and the surgeon said I need surgery. My doctor also said that surgery was the only thing that would get rid of my pain. It gets so bad by evening or in the cold, my ankle throbs and I am often in tears, and can barely walk or put my foot on the ground. I was given some patches on the week-end, and have pain FREE ever since." Patricia Kahi.


“ After years of playing squash & outdoor work, I have knees that have well passed their use by date, and at times the swelling & pain has been excruciating. I limped in one day and Liz dragged me gently aside and suggested the Phiten patches – I’ve been using them ever since, as and when I need them, and the pain just vanishes within a minute or two and swelling goes away much quicker! It means I am getting back into heavy duty gardening & digging that I thought could never happen again. Drug free pain & inflammation management – brilliant! We have shared the product with others and they have all come back to us saying how much of a difference these patches make – they are keeping people in the workforce longer & improving life quality, without drugs & scalpels. It means a return to walking, exercise and weight management that has been almost impossible for several years – brilliant product!”  Mandy Keesing


“I told my friend try it mate she said I’m scared of the pain I told her have faith trust me its like a wand wiping away the pain (personal experience) she tried it she rang me in tears just so happy to be released from the pain …one month on she is living pain free and painkiller free after many years of agony..I could write a dozen stories about Phiten I am so grateful it came along not just for my life but for the many people i have encouraged to try I say to you Try It Trust me you won’t regret it…and how wonderful Drug free.” JulieAnn Bixley


“Following a consultation with Liz I purchased a Phiten necklace to help combat ongoing neck pain and migraines. I was so thrilled with the results I also purchased the wrist bands to alleviate joint pain and have not needed pain relief since the day I put them on! Beyond thrilled with the results!”  Amanda Mickleson


"Just amazing! I was looking at knee surgery but after using the patches I have no swelling or pain. To keep my knee at this level I use the gel every other day and if necessary have my patches at the ready. I Intend to keep this up for ever! No surgery for me."  Paula McMillan


"Suffering from Osteo Arthritis of the lower back I had over the years tried almost everything possible to ease the tingling in my left foot and toes. I read about the patches in the local paper and decided to try the free trial not expecting to achieve much. To my surprise from almost the instant the patches were applied the tingling in my toes has almost entirely gone. I am sleeping much better and my overall feeling of well being is improved out of sight. Since accepting the free trial I have purchased a necklace, the elastic tubing and more patches which I will keep as a first aid kit. I have had the original patches on now for almost 3 weeks and they are still working as well as an elastic strip I have placed on the small of the back which is working well. When I renew the patches I suspect the final small tingling will go. I have recommended these patches to several other people who now all claim they are having relief from pain." Gary Muir Palmerston North


"I was taking ibuprofen and panadol every day for headaches (due to muscle tension). In the past three months, (since using the Phiten patches) I have taken 6 painkillers. Amazing. My partner has Parkinsons and is only in his late 40s. Ad he already has a lot of pills to take, our pharmacist suggested the Phiten necklace. Migraines and neck pain are now a thing of the past and we think the patches are helping uncontrolled movement in his foot too!" Pauline Gore


From Phiten’s Facebook page

"I had the pleasure of meeting Linda and Mike Lainchbury at the Auckland Food show. Both are New Zealand representative archers, (New Zealand Black Arrows) and both have achieved Gold Medal and World Champion status. Mike was kind enough toprovide feedback of their experience using Phiten products. "Thank you for your time on Saturday at the food show. I must say I was very much a skeptic, listening to you explain your products, but tried to keep an open mind. The short demo you gave us, was impressive – but still not 100% convinced (but coming around, and very interested) That night I shot a lot of arrows tuning my equipment, wearing the necklace and the dots you applied at the show to my right shoulder. The next day we went to our local club and both of us shot 40% more arrows than we would normally shoot. At the end of the day, we were both mentally tired, put not as physically tired as we would have expected. (starting to get convinced now) But the real test will be how I feel the next day! Monday morning, woke up after a great sleep, shoulder, back and neck were very relaxed as though I had shot no more than a few arrows the day before. My legs and feet (where I had no products) were tired and tight, but normally that feeling would be over my whole body after an extreme day shooting Linda is also feeling similar effects. The Phiten products and their claims seem almost too good to be true, the instant reaction of apply a dot to Linda’s forearm, I did this to another shooter – without telling what I was doing or what was going to happen – same reaction, instant pain relief, amazing." Mike Lainchbury

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